Use Only Reliable Septic Tank Maintenance Clayton NC Providers

By Nancy Gardner

Living in the middle of nowhere or in rural areas many homes use the septic system for a sewage treatment facility. In some cases the owners are able to care for this system themselves but for others living in built up areas it is easier to call someone in. With septic tank maintenance Clayton NC providers, it is good to know that all the contractors have experience when dealing with this and will ensure that their work is of top quality.

At Lyons, they have had more than thirty four years experience and perform many different services for both the commercial and residential properties. They are able to install these tanks as well as clean them out and guarantee that the whole system will always be in optimal working condition. They do have many different discounts around the neighbourhood so one needs only to enquire.

The disadvantages are that they can have a lower effluent level and if not installed properly can float to the surface. There is also a greater risk of parts being damaged while getting installed. It is important to find out first if these tanks are allowed in one's home state as many are not approved.

Septic tanks do tend to work out cheaper than sewer but the initial shock of the installation costs will set one back. The installation cost for the system is six thousand dollars whereas the sewer system is only one thousand five hundred dollars. The month to month costs are then however much lower and more affordable. A permit fee for the repair of such a system will be about seventy five dollars while a sewer system for the impact and tap fee is about two thousand nine hundred dollars.

If one is in the market of buying a new home it is very important to find out which system is being used. Septic tanks tend to give less problems but it is important to know what can be flushed especially when it comes to toilet paper, food and disposable diapers just to name a few. Another thing to consider is the amount of water that will be used and how often also plays an important part.

Sometimes the distribution box as well as the inlet and outlet T's and baffles need to be replaced or repaired. Sometimes the covers are pressed into the ground and a Riser or a Build up might need to be done. This will raise the level of the cover so it will be at grade or even above. In the winter months this could save money when repairs are needed.

In order to maintain a pumping schedule and keep to it one is advised to use less water so that the system is not overworked. If possible try not to do the laundry all on one day, but to do a bundle every day. Another thing one can try is to install a flow reducer nozzle in the shower and installing water conserving toilets.

If one is planning a garden rather keep all trees at least one hundred feet away from the system. Trees such as willows should be planted as far away as possible as their roots are very aggressive and can cause lots of damage. Only plant plants that have a short root system, some people like to plant grass instead as this could help to detect any leakage early on.

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