Will Your Relationship Survive True Love Tests

By Edna Booker

Love is a funny thing. People become attached to each other for all types of reasons. It could be because of the way they look. The things that the person does for them. Some people care unconditionally, while there are others who put stipulations on everything. There are even people who put one another through all types of true love tests to see if they are really the one that is meant for them.

People are always thinking that you need to prove your love to them. They will be so adamant about this that they will have you thinking that you need to do the same thing. You will be eating differently, dressing different and even surrounding yourself about people who you normally would not do.

Will you ever meet the persons family? Well, if you have been in the relationship for a while, you definitely want to know where the person you are in love with come from. You most likely feel as if you have earned the right to meet the mom and their siblings.

One of the things that terrifies you most is the thought of asking to meet the parents, because part of you know the parents will not like you. But, what do you do when you are never asked to meet the parents. You should probably know then that the relationship has reached its point.

If the first meeting goes well and they are able to communicate well and their eyes lock and remain connected. However, if she is checking her watch, texting and on her cell phone she is just not into you. Women often look at the intimacy between them and the guy.

There are times when the significant other will have you feeling special, but then there might be times when you will feel at your lowest when you are with them. Actually, this is not a healthy situation. You should always feel at a high when you are with your significant other.

So, what do you do if your situation just feels as if you are always dating and never in a relationship? You might think you are in serious commitment with the person but they do not treat you that way. Most people do not realize that if a person is meant for them it will be. If the person wants to go and be with someone else then most likely they was not for to be with them in the first place.

Regardless of the situation that you are in with another person. All you want is to be loved and respected. If someone is sending you through ups and downs then the so called relationship just might not be worth all the added stress. The thing is do not wait to get out the situation, at the first sign that things are not the way it should be, it is best to go ahead and move on quickly.

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